Public Hearing - Sauk Prairie Comprehensive Plan and Official Map Amendments

Notice is hereby given that the Boards of the Village of Prairie du Sac, Village of Sauk City, and Town of Prairie du Sac will hold a joint public hearing on March 14, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the following locations:  Prairie du Sac Village Hall, 335 Galena St., Prairie du Sac, WI; Sauk City Village Hall, 726 Water St. Sauk City, WI; and Prairie du Sac Town Hall, S9903 Hwy 12, Prairie du Sac, WI.  The three locations will be connected to one another by electronic means. 

The public hearing will be held to gather public input on proposed amendments to the Sauk Prairie Comprehensive Plan and Official Map. The Comprehensive Plan guides the future growth, development, and preservation of the Villages and Town; the Official Map guides locations of new and expanded roads and other community facilities. The proposed amendments would amend the Plan’s wellness initiative, update the Plan’s Economic Development and Housing & Neighborhood Development chapters, amend the Plan’s Future Land Use map and associated policy matrix, amend the Future Transportation & Community Facilities/Official Map, and adjust initiatives and priorities in the Plan’s Implementation chapter.

The proposed amendments are available for review at the respective village and town halls and below. Written comments should be submitted before the public hearing date to the clerks of any of the three municipalities. All written comments will be forwarded to the Boards.Dated this 12th day of January, 2023

Sauk Prairie Comprehensive Plan and Official Map Proposed Amendments