PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Prairie du Sac Plan Commission shall hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 1, 2024, at the Sauk Prairie Police Station, 640 13th Street, Prairie du Sac, WI to receive public comments on the following:
Application from The Heffron Company, Inc. to amend the General Development Plan (GDP) for Fieldstone. The subject property would continue to be zoned PUD Planned Unit Development. The applicant is requesting an amendment to allow, within the GDP area, 46 lots for not more than 55 single- and two-family dwelling units, over the same land area approved under the original GDP for up to 97 single-, two-, and multiple-family units. The subject property is approximately 15.9 acres consisting of part of Lot 57 and all of Lots 58-81 of the Fieldstone subdivision plat, Lot 1 of CSM 6398, and adjacent rights-of-way for 20th Street, 21st Street, and Jack Ryan Drive.
The application is available for viewing below. All interested parties are invited to participate in said hearing and be heard. After the public hearing, the Commission will consider the application.
You may attend via videoconference on your computer via Google Meet at
Upon reasonable notice, the needs of disabled individuals will be accommodated through auxiliary aids or services. For additional information or to request this service, contact the Village Administrator at 608-643-2421.
You may send written comments on this matter by e-mailing or by writing to Village of Prairie du Sac Public Hearing Comments, 335 Galena St., Prairie du Sac, WI, 53578, before the date listed above.
Planned Unit Development: Rezone & General Development Plan Application