PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on March 14, 2023, the Village of Prairie du Sac Board of Trustees enacted Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2023, adopting amendments to the 2017 Sauk Prairie Comprehensive Plan and the 2014 Sauk Prairie Official Map. The amendments amend the Plan’s wellness initiative, update the Plan’s Economic Development and Housing & Neighborhood Development chapters, amend the Plan’s Future Land Use map and associated policy matrix, amend the Future Transportation & Community Facilities/Official Map, and adjust initiatives and priorities in the Plan’s Implementation chapter. The full text of the ordinance may be obtained at the Prairie du Sac Village Clerk's office, located in the Village Hall, 335 Galena Street, Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 or below. The Village Clerk's phone number is 608-643-2421.