The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines and procedures for considering and receiving proposed donations to the Village of Prairie du Sac. Historically, the Village of Prairie du Sac has been enriched by the generous donations of individuals and entities in support of the Prairie du Sac community. The Village will review proposed gifts and memorials for the purpose of assisting the donors in reaching their intended goals while recognizing the mission, goals, plans, resources and limitations of the Village as a whole. It is intended that this policy provide a thoughtful review process which considers the intentions of the donor, is sensitive to the needs and desires of the community, and is sensitive to the costs associated with proposed gifts and donations, including long-term costs of maintenance and care, and useful life. In considering gifts and donations, the Village will give high regard and preference to gifts of cash.
It is highly recommended that you contact the Village regarding your proposed donation prior to completing a Gifts and Donations Form.