- What holidays are observed by the Village?
- Are Village Streets open to ATV/UTVs?
- If my garbage or recycling pick-up day falls on a holiday?
- Where do I vote & how do I register?
- How do I obtain an absentee ballot?
- Can I use a temporary shelter?
- Does my swimming pool or spa need a permit?
- What is the Street Light Charge?
- What is the Vehicle Registration Fee (Wheel Tax)?
- Where is public parking available downtown?
- Who is responsible for maintaining sanitary sewer laterals?
- Why do the plows block my driveway with snow?
- Are outdoor fires permitted?
- Are there special parking, sidewalk and other winter requirements?
- Can I do any plantings to hide that green box in the back yard?
- Can I pay my utility bill online or with a credit card?
- Does the Village give preference to local contractors on its public construction projects?
- Does the Village have a mailbox installation & replacement policy?
- How long do I have to clear snow and ice from sidewalks?
- When was the Village of Prairie du Sac incorporated?
- Where can I find Property Tax information?
- How can I find out what my property is zoned?
- Where can I get lot dimensions?
- What are the regulations regarding garage/yard sales?
- Where can I find the Village's Comprehensive Plan?
- How many cats and dogs can I have? When do I need to license my dog or cat?
- Where do I license my cat or dog?
- What voting ward am I in?
- What is the PCAC on my utility bill?
- Is a direct seller's permit/registration required in the Village?
- How can our non-profit group promote an event on the Village's community events sign?
- Are there limits on parking semis, trailers and campers on Village Streets?
- What can I do if I believe my property is not assessed correctly?
- Where can I get information on the Village's Compost Center?
- Does the Village of Prairie du Sac have a community garden?
The plow truck usually makes one pass to open the road up so residents may get in and out. Then the truck comes back to widen the street for future snow accumulation and to make room to park cars on the street. Residents sometimes call and ask why we cannot pick up or turn the blade when going by their driveway. This is not a practical solution and our drivers would never finish clearing the roads due to the multitude of driveways.
There is, however, a method of clearing your driveway that can help minimize the amount of snow (and frustration) during the winter months:
- If possible (not always practical), clear your driveway after we have finished plowing the roads. Keep in mind that village ordinance requires property owners to clear their sidewalks of snow/ice within 12 hours of the end of a storm.
- When clearing your driveway, place as much snow as possible in the direction of travel, on the downstream side of the road.
- Clear an area upstream from your driveway opening to form a “pocket” for the snow from the road to go into. The result? More of the snow from the road will go into the pocket and less will land in the end of your driveway. (Click for Diagram)
- Outdoor cooking over a fire contained in a device or structure designed for such use is allowed; however, the Fire Chief may require such fires to be extinguished when complaints are received.
- Whenever a portable fireplace or grill is located on a combustible surface, such as a wooden deck, a noncombustible material shall be placed under and around the fireplace or grill for a distance of 24 inches on each side thereof.
- Regardless of type or size, no barbecue, gas, charcoal or electric grill, or any other burning receptacle, shall be stored or used or be closer than 15 feet to a building with three or more dwelling units.
- No outdoor fire shall burn yard waste; rubbish; garbage; construction materials; treated, varnished or painted wood; plywood; plastics; rubber (synthetic or otherwise), or recyclables.
- The Fire Chief is permitted to prohibit any or all outdoor fires when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous. For all rules and regulations on burning you can go to our website Sec. 3-2-9 Open Burning
(a) Except in an emergency, and in such case for no more than 24 hours, none of the following shall be parked or stored on any street, avenue, or public way of the Village, except as provided for in Sec. 8-1-6(b) or when actively loading, unloading or rendering a service.
(1) Truck tractors and/or semitrailers as defined in Section 340.01, Wis. Stats.
(2) Other motor vehicles over 12,000 pounds licensed gross weight which are designed or used for commercial purposes, including school buses.
(3) Trailers designed or used for commercial purposes for which a license is required by the Wisconsin Statutes.
(4) Utility trailers and other non-motorized towable equipment.
(b) Truck tractors or truck tractors with semi-trailers as defined in Section 340.01, Wis. Stats. may be parked along the north side of Tower Street from 13th Street to 17th Street for a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours, this provision shall not apply to any other vehicles. No semi-trailer is to be parked in accordance with this provision without being attached to a truck tractor. An on-street parking permit from the Village Administrator for a fee as stated in the Schedule of Fees must be obtained for each truck tractor and must be displayed when parked in the designated area. All permits issued under this provision shall expire on June 30 of each year. This provision shall not supersede snow removal regulations as stated in Sect. 8-1-4(c) and 8-1-7 or other applicable parking restrictions of the Village Code.
(c) Recreational vehicles, motor homes, camping trailers, recreational trailers, boats and boat trailers may not be parked or stored on any street, avenue, or public way of the Village longer than four (2) hours without a permit obtained from the Village Administrator. This temporary permit shall allow the permittee to park on a Village street for up to five (5) days for a fee as stated in the Schedule of Fees. No more than four (4) temporary permits in one calendar year may be issued to the same adjacent property address. Only one (1) permit may be issued at a time to an adjacent property address.
(d) This section shall not apply to municipal, public health, and public safety vehicles.
Does the Village of Prairie du Sac have a Community Garden?
The Village of Prairie du Sac does have a Community Garden located at 995 Broadway Street. The property the garden is on is owned by the Prairie du Sac Cemetery Association. The Cemetery entered into an agreement with the Sauk County Master Gardeners Association who will operate and manage the Community Garden. Please contact Dorinda Freymiller, Community Garden Coordinator at dorinda@chorus.net